Historical Archives, Institutions, and Universities

MomaPIX DAM for Historical Archives, Institutions, and Universities

With MomaPIX DAM, you can enhance your historical archive and have all the tools needed to showcase the impact of your organization through storytelling with images and videos.

Historical Archives, Institutions, and Universities

How MomaPIX Supports Historical Archives, Institutions, and Universities

Enhancing the Historical Archive

The use of MomaPIX DAM plays a crucial cultural role for historical archives, offering a technological bridge between the past and present. Foundations and companies rely on this software to bring to light and enhance their photographic collections, ensuring that precious images and videos, witnesses to different aspects of a country’s history, remain accessible to future generations.

Photo libraries dedicate significant effort to converting slides and videos from analog to digital formats, an essential step to ensure their online accessibility to a broad audience of stakeholders. With MomaPIX DAM, this process becomes more manageable and systematic.

MomaPIX DAM offers a range of tools specifically designed for the enhancement of historical archives:

  • Photo Metadata Search and Management: allows for efficient organization and search within the archive, ensuring that each image can be easily found and identified.
  • Access Management: enables the regulation of viewing and downloading of photographic collections, maintaining control over the distribution of historical materials.
  • Email Marketing Tools: facilitates the promotion of photographic collections, allowing for a broader and interested audience to be reached.

With MomaPIX DAM, history is preserved, enhanced, and made available for present and future generations in an accessible and organized digital format.

Historical Archives, Institutions, and Universities

Storytelling Through Images with MomaPIX

In an increasingly digital world, the ability to tell compelling stories through images and videos is crucial to highlighting the values and goals of your organization. Here’s how MomaPIX enhances this critical dimension of communication:

Allow your team to freely explore the digital archive, discovering images and videos that can be reassembled to create new and captivating narratives. MomaPIX offers an intuitive and accessible environment, where searching and selecting visual materials is just a click away.

Foster collaboration among your team members in the creation of narrative content. MomaPIX facilitates the sharing of ideas and resources, allowing everyone to contribute to the creative process and ensuring consistency and alignment with the organization’s values.

With MomaPIX, overcome the limitations of sharing heavy files and ensure smooth distribution of your visual content. Whether sending a video to an internal team or sharing a photo gallery with external partners, the process is simplified and fast.

MomaPIX enables you to select and share images and videos that speak to the heart of your audience. By creating an emotional bond through visual content, your organization can establish a deeper and lasting connection with its audience. With effective and engaging visual communication, MomaPIX helps to strengthen the emotional impact and presence of your organization, thus supporting its mission and goals.

Historical Archives, Institutions, and Universities

Enhanced Communication

Opting for a Digital Asset Management solution like MomaPIX allows universities and institutions to significantly improve the management and distribution of their digital content. This system facilitates access to a variety of materials, such as photos and videos of institutional events, educational resources, documents for scientific publications, and images for institutional communication, benefiting students, faculty, public entities, and researchers.

The implementation of private online archives also promotes collaboration with other institutions, providing an additional means to enhance and diversify communication and learning activities.

Historical Archives, Institutions, and Universities

Hundreds of clients rely on MomaPIX

“MomaPIX provides many versatile tools to offer a direct consulting experience, to send choices or propose selections of images, securely. Our experience with the team has been extremely positive for years now”


Patrizia Piccini | Archivist, Fototeca Gilardi


Consult the Case Studies


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